Participation and Priorities

What are your reasons for joining Neighbourhood Watch or receiving information from Neighbourhood Watch? (tick all that apply)
An answer to this question is required
What are your reasons for joining Neighbourhood Watch or receiving information from Neighbourhood Watch? (tick all that apply)
Are you involved in other local organisations as a supporter or volunteer? (tick all that apply)
Are you involved in other local organisations as a supporter or volunteer? (tick all that apply)
If you answered OTHER to the above question, please tell us your answer in the box below.
How often do you take part in a Neighbourhood Watch related activity or event?
How often do you take part in a Neighbourhood Watch related activity or event?
What have you done related to Neighbourhood Watch in the past year? (tick all that apply)
What have you done related to Neighbourhood Watch in the past year? (tick all that apply)
If you answered OTHER to the above question, please tell us your answer in the box below. - COPY
How important do you feel each of the following areas are for Neighbourhood Watch's future? (Rank in order of importance)
An answer to this question is required
  • Helping people connect with their neighbours
  • Being involved with a community group that has a diverse membership
  • Absence of criminal activity locally
  • An engaged local police presence in my area
  • Absence of discrimination, prejudice, exclusion where I live
  • Understand the crime levels in my area
  • Opportunity to spend time /have fun with neighbours

Crime prevention and reporting

How often do you find the local reports on criminal activity and anti-social behaviour to be useful? eg local crime data from the police
How often do you find the local reports on criminal activity and anti-social behaviour to be useful? eg local crime data from the police

Connection and Inclusion

How likely are you to participate in initiatives and activities that help you connect with your neighbours? eg street party, safety audit, litter pick
An answer to this question is required
How likely are you to participate in initiatives and activities that help you connect with your neighbours? eg street party, safety audit, litter pick
How important do you believe initiatives to reduce isolation and foster mutual respect are in your community? eg phone trees or intergenerational projects
An answer to this question is required
How important do you believe initiatives to reduce isolation and foster mutual respect are in your community? eg phone trees or intergenerational projects

Community Action

How likely would you be to participate in practical activities that help improve your local area? e.g. litter picking
An answer to this question is required
How likely would you be to participate in practical activities that help improve your local area? e.g. litter picking
How much do you believe community-led action can help reduce crime and/or anti-social behaviour?
How much do you believe community-led action can help reduce crime and/or anti-social behaviour?

Future Strategy & Improvements

Thinking about what NHW might do more or less of in the future, what are your thoughts about the following:
An answer to this question is required
Strengthening police partnerships
Strengthening police partnerships
Expanding community events
Expanding community events
Enhancing digital tools and communication
Enhancing digital tools and communication
Focusing on specific crimes (e.g., fraud, burglary, ASB
Focusing on specific crimes (e.g., fraud, burglary, ASB
Increasing engagement of younger peopl
Increasing engagement of younger peopl
Reducing loneliness and isolatio
Reducing loneliness and isolatio
Improving public awareness of Neighbourhood Watc
Improving public awareness of Neighbourhood Watc
Campaigning nationally
Campaigning nationally

Brand & Reputation

Which of the following statements best describes local awareness of your NHW scheme(s)
An answer to this question is required
Which of the following statements best describes local awareness of your NHW scheme(s)
How would you describe Neighbourhood Watch’s reputation in your community?
How would you describe Neighbourhood Watch’s reputation in your community?
Which of the following statements best describes local awareness of the Neighbourhood Watch Association covering your whole police force area or Borough
An answer to this question is required
Which of the following statements best describes local awareness of the Neighbourhood Watch Association covering your whole police force area or Borough
If NHW made a charge for some services or benefits (while keeping basic membership free of charge), which of the following would you be interested in?
An answer to this question is required
If NHW made a charge for some services or benefits (while keeping basic membership free of charge), which of the following would you be interested in?

Demographics (Optional)

Which of the following best describes your involvement with Neighbourhood Watch
Which of the following best describes your involvement with Neighbourhood Watch
Please tell us what age group
Please tell us what age group
Please tell us what your ethnic group is
Please tell us what your ethnic group is
Please tell us your gender
Please tell us your gender

Thank you  We appreciate you taking the time to complete this survey.  You are contributing to shaping our new strategy, which will launch in 2026.


Best wishes